Did you know that Boxing Day is the busiest day of the year on the Rightmove website? If you are thinking about selling your house in January, now is the time to start the process so that we can have everything ready for the busy period.
Book in now for a valuation and if you decide to proceed we can also come around and take all the photos before your Christmas decorations go up – this means your photos aren’t dated when people are viewing them after the Christmas period.
We’ve had a bumper time for sales in our Leamington office recently, and the market is strong in Southam and Warwick too. We’re looking for any kind of property in those areas and will work closely with you to get the best price.
So before you wind down for the Christmas break, why not get in touch to arrange a valuation for your property so you are ready and waiting for viewings as soon as 2019 starts. Remember it means you’re property is in the mix on the busiest day of the year for property searches on Rightmove, once we’ve done the photos you can put your decorations up, and properties have been selling well recently.
Book your valuation via this link or contact your local office.